Monday, January 6, 2014

Evan turns four.

Our littlest man turned four on December 30th.  Four years ago we spent New Year's Eve (2009) in the hospital after the arrival of our third precious baby boy and were so blessed to take a sweet (little) 9 pound 5 ounce healthy infant home from the hospital in the winter cold.  Today, this is the same little guy that digs his heels in and holds his own against two (much bigger) older brothers.  What Evan lacks in strength, he makes up for in sheer attitude and bossiness.  At four years old, Evan has an overwhelming amount of energy, has a full appetite and is a "skinny-mini."  Evan may talk a big game, but deep down, he thinks that his older brothers are amazing.  They can do anything.  Evan has told me that Drew and Owen are 'big' so they can beat up anyone they want.  Apparently, that is the hallmark of 'getting big.'  You can beat up whomever you like.      

We celebrated Evan's fourth birthday at the Waterloo Fire Department.  No, the Waterloo Fire Department is not in the birthday party business and no, we are not such connected people that limits don't exist for our kids' birthday celebrations (Dan may disagree with that statement based on the level of party planning . . . . ), but in our household, when you turn four, you get to have your first "friend party."  Please note that we're not just talking family birthday parties anymore; we're talking real friends convening at a chosen location to celebrate YOU!  And furthermore, when your birthday is in December and your mom loves to plan parties and secretly feels terribly sorry that your December birthday may be subject to the risk "holiday overshadowing," you win.  You win big.  You party firefighter style.   

Happy birthday to my little firefighter.  I love you so very much.   

God gave me the greatest gift of all picking me to be your Mommy.  You and your brothers (and Daddy, of course) are the greatest gifts I could ever receive.  

Enjoy the party!


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