Friday, December 17, 2010

Loving Christmas

I am in love with experiencing Christmas through my children's eyes. What a privilege, as a parent, to share this time with young children. I really don't think it gets much better than this. . .(excuse the blur, the low light is hard for the camera, but I couldn't resist sharing such a beautiful photo of Owen) . . .

Christmas 2010

or this really . . . (they are going to be soooo angry with me when they are older!)

Christmas 2010

We have thoroughly enjoyed getting ready for Christmas. The shopping is done and we are counting down the days until Santa arrives with his boatload of toys for the boys. Fortunately, Santa actually came to our house and Drew, Owen and Evan got to tell Santa specifically what to bring!

Christmas 2010






Owen wasn't such a huge fan of Santa . . .

Untitled from Lauren Niebruegge on Vimeo.

Untitled from Lauren Niebruegge on Vimeo.

Untitled from Lauren Niebruegge on Vimeo.

Untitled from Lauren Niebruegge on Vimeo.

Last weekend, we took the boys to the Shrine to see the 'Way of Lights.' It was beautiful and we enjoyed some nice family time in the car looking at the hundreds upon hundreds of gorgeous lights.




And I will leave you with some other photos that make me smile! Enjoy!

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010


These photos are from Drew's first boy-girl party (it was a gymnastics party for his 'friend' Katie's 4th birthday). Katie is in Drew's pre-school class and he says that he wants to marry her. Awesome. It looks like he is already putting the moves on her!





Thursday, December 16, 2010

Preparing for the Holidays

I love this time of year. I absolutely love it. Athough it honestly wasn't planned intentionally, I think that it was simply 'meant to be' that two of our babies were born during the week of Christmas further magnifying this glorious time of year for me. Birthday party planning, on top of Christmas, definitely makes this time of the year more hectic (and stinks for poor Drew and Evan who have to go a very long time without getting any new presents:), but it complements the season perfectly. I love Christmas as a time of reflection and a time to take inventory of all things good. To count all of our wonderful blessings. And given that I now associate Christmas with the births of two of my babies, it reminds me of my very best Christmas presents ever.

Speaking of thanks, we had a lovely Thanksgiving. We celebrated with all of our families and even enjoyed Thanksgiving at our house this year (thanks to Dan's mother for preparing everything - I did zero work for this beautiful feast). I just did what I do best - take pictures of everyone's hard work! :)








As the boys get older, I'm extremely interested in making sure that they are aware of how special the holidays are and what they mean to our family. Like every mother in the world, I want to raise children that are appreciative of their belongings and are aware of the benefits that hard work can yield. It is such a balance, I am learning, to give them everything I want them to have, but not give them too much so that they lose the opportunity to experience the joy that accompanies the wait. It is really hard on the parent to say no. I never fully appreciated that before.

In the spirit of emphasizing everything we are grateful for, I asked Drew to tell me what he loved about everyone joining us at our house for Thanksgiving. Drew was full of answers so I wrote them down at everyone's place setting. It is obvious that Drew has a lot of reasons to love his family!


I also tried to be creative by having Drew make Indian hats for our Thanksgiving guests. Didn't turn out so hot. But we had fun (and made a mess) anyway.



The boys were all decked out in their traditional Thanksgiving garb (dressed by Daddy, of course)!









After Thanksgiving, I immediately switched gears for Christmas. I joined one of my girlfriends in the "Black Friday" shopping frenzy and actually woke up at 4am to hit all of the big sales. We shopped for nearly 9 hours and I got a ton accomplished (and saved some money too)! As it turns out, it was a great idea to join her and I have felt so organized this Christmas season because of the headstart I got on my Christmas shopping. I'm thinking that I might become a regular in this tradition.

It has become party planning central at our house. We all know the sequence of upcoming significant dates: Daddy's birthay on the 12th, Jesus' birthday on the 25th, Drew's birthday on the 26th and Evan's birthday on the 30th. Whew!! What a month!





Although there is much to do to get ready for all of our parties, I'm reminding myself not to let myself get lost in the planning and allow this wonderful time pass too quickly. It is a wondeful month designed to have a quick-pace, but I'm determined to slow that pace down. I want to savor the Christmas decorations in our house and enjoy the anticipation of the boys waiting for Santa to bring bountiful toys. I want to inhale my evergreen candle over and over again to enjoy the benefits that winter brings and capture the loving emotions in the air waiting for Drew's 4th birthday and Evan's precious 1st birthday. For Evan, this will be his first Christmas, and it's going to be special.

Halloween 2010 (a bit late)

So I'm a bit late on this blog post. It is mid-December and I am just now posting our Halloween pictures. Yup . . I am a bit behind. I have been planning on catching up on my blogging for weeks, but have fell behind in the craze that is our life on the weekends. Squeezing every minute out of our time to do the stuff we have to do (laundry, grocery shop, clean the house) in order to arrive at the stuff we want to do (relax and enjoy our boys). But you should know that I didn't create my blog as a source of pressure simply to add one more item to my 'to do' list and stress about. I created my blog as a source of pure enjoyment for me alone (I'm selfish, like that), so I don't hold myself to unrealistic deadlines or committments. My blog has become a haven for me to enjoy my family and my photos and in turn, share that joy with anyone that is interested in reading along the way. So this is really just a long-winded way of me saying that it doesn't bother me that I'm behind. I'll enjoy posting my pictures and documenting our life, no matter how far after the fact it is.

For Halloween this year, we had Woody, Buzz Lightyear and an Octopus (strange combination, huh?). I had originally intended for Evan to be part of the Toy Story gang, but his costume selection was more a function of 1.) how unbelievably cute he was as an octopus and 2.) said octopus costume was already purchased (yes, he had a hand-me-down, poor kid). Unfortunatey, he did not get to wear the octopus costume though, because he got a fever and didn't feel good all night. It made me sad that his first Halloween was spent in his infant car seat with flushed cheeks watching his overly eager older brothers.

Halloween 2010

Owen's cute little butt is one of my favorite things about his Buzz Lightyear costume!

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010

So Aunt Amy's family goes 'all out' for Halloween. Seriously. With Uncle Tony's assistance this year, they created a pretty spectacular array of 'scary things' in the front yard. Check out the pics and videos!

Halloween 2010

Halloween #3 from Lauren Niebruegge on Vimeo.

Halloween #2 from Lauren Niebruegge on Vimeo.

Halloween #1 from Lauren Niebruegge on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eckert's Farm

Today we enjoyed some fall fun at Eckert's Farm. We ate, we played, we watched magic shows, we rode rides, we bought pumpkins, we drove tractors, we pet a llama, we bought fudge, we had fun.





My little triplets!










From a photography perspective, Owen is tough one to catch. Of all three of my boys, he is the least likely to cooperate with me when I want to get his picture (thus the reason you see many photos of Drew and Evan on my blog - it is not just that I'm ignoring my middle child!) Owen has the sweetest little dimples and round face - a smile from Owen just melts your heart. We call Owen our 'gentle giant.' He is an amazingly strong two-year old boy and is a thick kid! He weighs 40 pounds and has an arm like a rocket (Dan's eyes radiate with pride when Owen picks up a football and fires it at his target showing off his incredible strength!) But inside our little giant, is an extremely sensitive and kind-hearted little boy that just wants to make everyone happy.

Given the chance to capture some Owen moments here, I took advantage . . .





We watched a magic show today at Eckert's and the magician was extremely interactive. So much so that when he asked for volunteers, all of the kids' hands went up in the air, including my two boys! I was super surprised when I watched Drew and Owen get selected and march right up to the stage without a moment of hesitation to participate in a magic trick. Such confidence! They were definitely the youngest on stage and I feared they wouldn't be able to understand the magician's directions (as an example, when the magician asked Owen how old he was, he hesitated for a moment and then said, "I'm FOUR." His mother had to correct him, "No Owen, you are TWO!") The boys did great and Dan and I were cracking up!

Untitled from Lauren Niebruegge.






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