About Me

I am Lauren and I love my family. I love being a mother. I have dreamed of life as mother from the time I was little and feel so fortunate and blessed to have been given the amazing privilage of motherhood to four FIVE beautiful little boys. The role of motherhood has refined me - constantly changing and stretching me in magical ways - and gives me joy like nothing else in the world.

Although my OB maintains that no scientfic proof exists to support the claim that mothers lose memory as a result of nine (ten) months of pregnancy, I'm convinced that I suffer from a real memory loss disease (referred to internally as "mommy brain") as a result of my pregnancies, further magnified by their proximity to each other.  Although I am only thirty, thirty-five, (well, who's counting anymore!) years old, my brain just isn't what it used to be (no matter what my OB says), so I have to take matters into my own hands and do all that I can to document and retain the goodness, littleness and precious-ness of my children's lives.  This is the reason the blog was created.  

And as for as me, I should mention a huge pool of interests - and in no particular order - drinking specialty coffees, planning parties, taking pictures, catching up with girfriends, finding amazing photo opportunities with great light, playing with my boys, dreaming of the many places I'd love to take my family, drinking wine (red, preferably), sleeping late on Saturday mornings, napping with my boys and shopping all things Pottery Barn.  I love watching my boys play sports.  I am a CPA, not because I'm good at math (I'm not), but because I love the language of business.  Also, I'm a terrible cook (and I have five boys to feed - ugh)!

I love my husband (I adore him actually) and this statement is so significant that it deserved its own paragraph.  Fortunately, I married the right person.  And I love him more and more as the years pass.    Dan is my best friend.  No question about it.

I believe in many things, but here are a few. . .
  • I believe that no matter where you came from, if you work hard, you can become whatever you want;
  • I do not believe that the clothes you wear, the house you live in, the car you drive, the amount of money in your bank account, nor the number of degrees on your wall define you;
  • I believe that every day is a chance to redefine your life;
  • I strongly believe that no one can make you feel unworthy unless you let them;
  • I believe that the pictures I take today will be a gift to my children in the future;
  • I believe that some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers;
  • I believe that the truth, even when hurtful, is always better than a lie;
  • I believe in the true meaning of marriage;
  • I believe that you should ALWAYS be nice (even if others don't reciprocate) - being nice is ALWAYS the right answer;
  • I believe that sometimes a little mascara will do wonders for the soul;
  • I believe that happiness isn't always getting what you want, but wanting what you have.
I believe that God has given us the perfect family.  My definition of perfect is not flawless or "Leave it to Beaver" style, but simply one of happiness. Happiness with all of its messiness is, for me, knowing that life is short and the moments we choose to participate in should be purposeful and colorful. And that's perfection.

© My Heart Is Smiling