Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The boys are back

I woke up this morning to beautiful sounds.  I opened my eyes and sat quietly listing to the following conversation taking place downstairs:

Dan:  "Owen did you already go poop on the potty?"
Owen:  "Yes, Daddy!"
Dan:  "Then WHY are you sitting on the couch?  Why didn't you ask me for help because NOW there is a brown spot on the couch!  O-W-E-N . . . !!!"

I couldn't help but to laugh out loud.  So I walk downstairs with a grin on my face (rudely finding humor in Dan's current state of distress) and find that while Dan is scrubbing away on the brown spot on our couch, Evan has climbed in our pantry, located a box of hard taco shells, ripped open the package and was enjoying some homemade chips.  My smile gets bigger.  Meanwhile, Drew is watching TV and is completely naked.  No underwear - no nothing.  He runs over to me in his naked state and gives me a huge hug - "Hi Mommy!"  "Mommy, I have a question for you."  "What is it buddy?"  "Mommy, do you think that Transformers go poop?"  "Hmmm - I'm not sure, buddy, but you know that Mommy doesn't really like it when you talk about poop."  

And that was our morning.  I have my work cut out for me with these boys, but my heart is definitely smiling.   

The boys were sick this week but based on their high energy levels at the moment, I would say that our boys are back.  It is so nice to have them back to full energy because tending to two sick children was exhausting.  We were anxious to play outside today so I took Drew and Owen to the pool while Evan and Daddy took a snooze.  Unfortunately, after only 30 minutes at the pool, we got rained out and hurried back home before the rain/lighting/thunder came.  The power was out when we got home and the boys needed to take their naps so we grabbed sleeping bags and created a family camp out in the living room.  It is super cool when all three boys go down for their naps at the same time; however, today, we were not so lucky.  We have Owen snoozing away, while Evan and Drew are resistant . . . and because they are tired, they are as ornery as ever. 

During trying times such as this afternoon, I close my eyes for a moment and tell myself that it is twenty years from now . . . .and I've been granted my one wish . . . to come back to this moment and drink up my three precious tiny babies that have grown so big over the years.  I imagine the magic that such a wish would create in my heart.  To have back these fleeting childhood moments that slipped way too quickly through my fingers.  And I drink up the moment in pure gratefulness and magically, the frustration disappears.

My love for these boys cannot be described . . . and just sitting here viewing my images while I take it all  in, I feel completely overwhelmed with the magic that motherhood provides.

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

When I grow up . . .

I want to be a photographer.  A really good one.   One that has such large volume of breathtaking images in my portfolio that the walls of our home do not leave near enough space to display the incredible art that I have created.  I want take courses that teach me the depths of the technical side of photography so that I possess the skill to produce all of the images that I have bouncing around in my head.  But when I grow up, I also want to be a more consistent housekeeper, develop a deep musical talent, exercise more, be a more patient wife, and a more selfless friend...all when I grow up.  Good thing I have plenty of time to get all of this done:)

Last night, as we were eating dinner, we were talking with Drew about mommy's and daddy's jobs.  I asked Drew, "Drew, do you know what mommy does every day while she is at work?"  His response, "I think that you draw all day."  Hmmm, interesting.  "Drew, what do think that daddy does everyday while he is at work?"  His response, "I think that daddy goofs off all day."  Hmmm, very interesting:)

On a side note (speaking of funny things Drew has said recently), it was crazy hot the other day as I am buckling him into his car seat when he says, "Mommy, hurry up and turn on the air - I don't want to lose all of my water!"  I was puzzled initially and then a big smile grew on my face as I realized his meaning, "Oh, you don't want to sweat?"  "Right, mommy, I don't want to lose all of my water - duh!"  

I just love this boy.

The ages of our boys at the moment are so precious.  I love that Drew is learning at the speed of light and presents us with new topics, perspectives and opinions each day (that we know did not come from us - so we can't take the credit).  He is evolving into a sweet, curious little boy and actually weighs 49 pounds!  Where did my first-born little baby boy go?  Owen remains our sensitive little man and in only a matter of weeks, will start preschool.  Yeesh!  Drew will graduate into the 'Rainbow' room at preschool and Owen will enter in the class directly behind him as a 'teddy bear.'  Owen is very excited.  Baby Evan is speaking up a storm and has got a lot to say . . . if only, we could decode everything!  Evan is part monkey so the kid is climbing everything!  Such a sweet little stage he is at right now - I can hardly keep myself from kissing his sweet little cheeks and I am enjoying 19 months so very much.  

Tonight, we had two sick kiddos.  I was called early this afternoon by Drew's preschool letting me know that he was running a fever of 102.  By the time I had the dr. appointment scheduled and was on my way to Drew's appointment, I got a call from our daycare that Owen was running a fever.  102.  Sigh!  Now that I am raising three boys of my own, my suspicion about men and sickness has been strongly confirmed:  when boys are sick, they are all big babies.  No matter what the age.  Women shake it off - they have too much to do to get sick.  Not men.  Moaning, whimpering, crying - we have it all at our house (sorry Dan, but you're included in this list too).  I spent the night catering to two whimpering little boys needing more juice, more covers, more monster trucks and more snuggles.  They were exhausting;  but, oh, the power to mother my little babies when they are sick!  The look of sweet sadness in their eyes as they weather this virus makes me feel so helpless; yet at the same time, very significant.  As a mother, I have been transformed by the love and magic of my three precious babies that are forever mine - and even if have I no cure other than the Tylenol I hold in my hand - I am confident that I can meet their needs and am capable of raising three amazing young men simply because I fiercely love them.  And that's it.  

Tonight, I am blogging some photos from special moments in the past few weeks that I have not already shared.   Starting with a sweet photo of baby Harper that I just love (her cute baby cheeks are just too much!)

And I am getting some serious enjoyment out of Evan's angry face here . . . he is angry because he is trying to play a serious round of golf, but mommy keeps interrupting trying to take pictures - enough already, mommy!

For no particular reason, I like to take pictures of random stuff.  You know, like washing fruit in our sink.  Appetizing, eh?

Since our Mother's and Father's Day celebrations have passed, I have woven some photos of our precious gifts from our children in here for viewing pleasure.  Seriously - this has to be one of the major highlights of parenthood.  I never could have imagined the thrill that I would derive from a homemade card from one of my kids.  So incredibly sweet.  A gift card to Pottery Barn doesn't even compare.

Good night!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

18 Months

My baby Evan is 18 months old. He is growing and changing into a little boy more and more every day. He tries hard to keep up with his older brothers and currently has a mouthful of vocabulary spilling out that we try our hardest to follow:)

Evan has remained our sweet little boy, but I fear that he will be our ornery one. He is a climber and has no fear. He is determined and persistent. He doesn't take no for an answer easily from us and definitely does not back down from his older brothers. If Drew is playing Transformers, then so is Evan. If Drew and Owen are wrestling, then Evan won't be far behind. If Drew wants to play trains, Evan is beside him. Drew and Owen may become annoyed with their little brother always getting in their way and taking their toys, but the admiration and respect you see in Evan's eyes for his older brothers is heartwarming. I love that they love each other. And we hope that they will always take good care of each other.



Dan is starting the boys young in the hopes that they share his love for golf!










After my photo session with Harper and Evan on the 4th, we enjoyed some 4th of July fun!



Saturday, July 9, 2011

Three months old

My niece Harper is three months old. Already. Time flies.

Fortunately, I got the chance to photograph her again and this baby girl is so sweet. I swear that she is her Daddy's twin. Most people will say that they see both Karen and TJ in Harper, but I think that she is a spitting image of her Dad. Harper wasn't a huge fan of getting her picture taken. In fact, I hope that doesn't develop a complex about Aunt Lauren who is always coming at her with a big black thing in front of her face begging her to smile. Despite her resistance, we captured some great moments of 'three-months-old.' Here are my favorites:






I LOVE this one . . .












Karen & TJ - I hope that you enjoy the slideshow! I think that it is best viewed with the music cranked way up (I love this song!) Enjoy!

© My Heart Is Smiling