Saturday, February 19, 2011

Winter Days

Hi Blog - I have missed you. It has been a long time since we have connected and I am so happy to be back. I'm back just for a moment as there are a series of competing priorities calling my name, but I want (need) to take time for the things that bring me peace of mind and my dear blog is one of them:)

We have a lot going on in our household at the moment. From mommy's busy work schedule to T-ball sign-ups, I feel as though we're planning and coordinating every minute of every day. This is exemplified at the moment because I was out of town for work this week and even though I was gone less than 48 hours, being away from my boys (Dan included) leaves me feeling uneasy. I really don't like it. Traveling away from home without my family makes me feel a bit crazed and somewhat out of control. Even though Dan is very capable of maintaining household order while I'm gone, I just don't like being away. This is a stark contrast to the 'pre-kids' version of myself who was very anxious to hop on a plane and head out to expore a new city. Even though it is not fun to be homesick, it hit me hard this week walking through the Atlanta airport just how lucky I am to be homesick. It is not lost on me how fortunate I am to have such wonderful people waiting at home for me to return to. Not everyone has the luxury of being homesick.

January and February have seemed to me as LONG winter months. Longer than ever before. I'm not sure if they seem longer this year because last year at this time I was at home enjoying my maternity leave with my precious infant Evan where time seemed to evaporate before my eyes, but I find myself longing for sunny weather and fresh air like I've never done before. My work pace has accelerated in 2011 which is also contributing to my cabin fever; thus making our vacation plans for this year ever so exciting. I absolutely cannot wait to have our vacations booked on the calendar. Stay tuned on the details as we excitedly plan our trips for the year for which I intend to stock full with water parks, lots of family time, the boys' first trip on an airplane and private time alone with my incredible husband.

The cold weather brought us snow and with snow came SNOW DAYS! Although I was/am incredibly busy at work and couldn't really afford to be away from the office (even for one day), the ice made it completely unsafe to attempt a trip to work so Dan and I made the most of it. We took turns tending to the kids and worked from home when the ice prevented our normal commutes to work and the kids' preschools were closed.

Drew enjoyed the snow the most. He begged to play outside. Despite my fears of sickness, I agreed that snow is meant to play in and we headed out.






Owen was not as big of a fan of the snow as Drew. After 5 minutes of the cold, Owen was ready to head back inside.








The snow days were lovely family time. We ate every meal together and didn't leave the house once. We sat in front of the fireplace, played games and built a campsite in the living room for our naps together. The boys asked for pancakes and eggs for lunch. With their help, our lunch was delicious.







Through the snowy days, we were spending a lot of time inside which made it hard for the boys to behave. And since Christmas had already passed, we could no longer threaten to call (or text) Santa to let him know that it was unnecessary for him to stop at our house because Drew and Owen should be moved to the naughty list. We resorted to tracking the good and bad visually on the white board for Drew so that he could monitor his progress (or lack thereof) towards enough'good' points for Dan to take him to see the Monster Trucks show in St. Louis! Fortunately for Drew, he earned enough points and Dan took him to the Monster Truck Rally this evening . . . pictures to come!


Check out some more winter fun in the video below!

Playing from Lauren Niebruegge on Vimeo.


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