Monday, August 27, 2012

Preparing for Kindergarten

My first born baby boy is five years old and on Wednesday, August 22nd, he started kindergarten.  During the weeks leading up to this date, I did not think that the commencement of kindergarten would render me a hopeless mama full of tears and weepy emotions, but I was wrong.  On Tuesday, August 21st, the moment I first opened my eyes, I felt a heavy wave of bricks hit me and I knew immediately that these emotions had arrived.  There was no evading them.  My baby was going to kindergarten the very next day.  It started with an uneasy feeling in my stomach and by the end of the day, progressed to sheer lack of emotional control.  To me, it felt like for today, I could still claim him as my baby.  He was only in pre-school and his life did not evolve around the school calendar.  But tomorrow, I knew that would change.  Forever.  And this fact, made this mama terribly sad.

I held back the tears as best I could through the day, but on Tuesday evening, as I was reading bedtime stories to the boys, I just lost it.  I cried hard with tears flowing down my face and the boys couldn't understand why I was so sad.  I explained to Drew that I was crying because I love him so very much that it actually makes my heart hurt.  When I was pregnant with Drew, I read somewhere that becoming a parent is "forever knowing what it feels like to have your heart run around outside your body."

I agree with this.  My heart will always hurt loving these boys.  

Putting my emotional roller coaster aside (momentarily), we've had fun getting ready for Drew's kindergarten debut.  We started early this summer shopping for his school supplies, uniforms and new shoes.  I recall my excitement when my Mom used to take us to get our school supplies.  The smell of fresh notebooks, pencils, cool new folders and the promise of a new school year were exciting.  It felt strange being on the parent side of the equation though; wasn't it my Mom who was supposed to be pushing the cart?  

And yes, in case you are wondering, I did in fact, take my camera into Wal-Mart for these photos.  And I snapped away without hesitation.  Your first born only starts kindergarten once, so back off!:)

We are blessed that our children will have the opportunity to attend Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic School  and in particular, will benefit from a recent expansion/rennovation at the school.  We enjoyed the dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony last week.

The start of the new school year also means that we are closing the door on our last pre-school year for Drew (and Owen would "graduate" from the "Teddy Bear" classroom to the "Rainbow" classroom and man, is Owen thrilled to be a "Rainbow Kid").  Drew started at Creative Kids when he was three and we have loved it.  Here are a few photos of the boys' last day.

And this picture (below) is the Creative Kids window.  Oh, how I love this window.  This was my view for the past two years waving to Drew (and in the past year, Owen too) that began every morning.    My morning cup of coffee along with a wave to my babies in this window is how we kicked off our days.


Having three boys so close together in age comes with its challenges.  The boys play well with each other for sure and the great thing is that each of them will always have a friend to talk to, share toys with, take trips with and get the luxury of having a friend that gets to spend the night all the time!  But these boys fight (i.e. their definition of "play") and are very loud and can drive their parents crazy.  Our house is filled with a happy chaotic melody that begins the moment their little eyes peek open in the morning and doesn't end until the mommy and daddy collapse (in exhaustion) in the evening.

I have certainly noticed that when the three boys are together, their behavior is much different than when I have the boys one on one.  My alone time with my boys is a treasure.   My goal for the past week was to enjoy my boys individually by "plucking" them out of their "group" and take notice of the incredible personalities shaping that may go unnoticed if not specifically sought out.

I took the entire week off work to enjoy my boys one-on-one.  This week definitely left my heart smiling.  

Drew and I began last Monday at Raging Rivers Water Park.  The temperature was 83 degrees and full of sunshine and since most schools had already started, the crowds were minimal and we had the place to ourselves.  It was great!      

This sign (below) made me laugh :)!

I'm a big fan of "interviewing" the boys so that I can hear from them during these important milestones (you can hear one of Drew's interviews below). It is interesting to me to hear what is on Drew's mind as he embarks on this new chapter.


Day #2 - Tuesday, August 21st, took us to the Magic House.  We love this place.  Before I dropped Evan off at his preschool on Tuesday morning, Drew kindly asked if Evan could join us.  One of the most gratifying things that a mother can observe is evidence that her children really do love each other - of course, I obliged!

As usual, the Magic House delivered.  We had an amazing time and did not want to leave at the end of the day.  We started the day by going back in time to the era of the Pilgrims and the Mayflower (I love Evan's response to my request for a smile as they "drive" the carriage).

We had a full-blown Thanksgiving feast!  The boys very much enjoyed preparing this meal!  They picked the vegetables, prepared the food and served the meal!    

In one of the imagination areas, Drew noticed several letters that were written home by soldiers that were serving during the war.  Drew took his time and drafted a letter that he would send home if he were a soldier.  

Evan is so sweet - he kept a close eye on the sleeping baby in the pilgrim's house!

The magic house is famous for its demonstration of electricity!  Drew was very apprehensive . . .

so I joined him and he LOVED it!  

Enjoy interview #2:  


On the evening of August 21st, we attended the Open House for Drew's classroom and got to see the excitement that awaited him in the morning . . . .

His desk that we stocked with his school supplies . . .

 . . . . .and so many journals were in his desk, I could hardly believe it!  Each of these journals was labeled with Drew's name (and in an adorable font; of course, I take note of these things)!  And his name was all around the room as part of the room's educational materials - I was so impressed!  It must have taken these kindergarten teachers months to have this room looking so lovely for these kiddos!

The school has thought of everything for the new families (and has welcomed us so warmly) - we were invited to a "Boo-hoo/Whoo-Hoo Breakfast" in the morning after our kindergarten drop off.

And the first day of kindergarten was soon to begin . . .


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